“The principle aim of Conflict Photography Workshops is to educate photographers who may be considering working in hostile environments, specifically war zones, on how to deal with the dangers they may encounter and how to operate with a higher degree of safety and security. […] Additional aspects of your training such as Battle Field First Aid Drills, IED Awareness, Personal Security and Fieldcraft will be handled by our military advisors who have more than two decades of front line experience.” (Source: Conflict Photography Workshops)

“The Dart Center’s website provides timely articles, expert interviews, journalist-to-journalist advice, tipsheets and other resources. The website also serves as a multimedia venue for discussion of controversies and breakthroughs in trauma science, policy and media coverage.” (Source: Dart Center)

“Our online evolving resources provide valuable information on safety, security and professional development, as well as practical support such as where to find funding and insurance.” (Source: Rory Peck Trust)

“Are you a journalist working (or planning to work) in a hostile environment? Here are all the hostile environment and first aid training courses you can avail in 2020.” (Source: The Coalition For Women in Journalism)

Extensive list of pre-assignment considerations and recommendations, such as safety manuals and guides, planning, training, insurance, personal protective equipment, medical preparedness, trauma preparedness and digital preparedness. (Source: Committee to Protect Journalists)

“The course lasts four days and covers basic procedures for saving someone’s life on the battlefield: clearing air passageways, stopping or slowing bleeding from wounds, stopping air leakage into the chest cavity from a chest wound and transporting the injured person to a medical facility.” (Source: Sebastian Junger / RISC)

“CPJ’s Emergencies Response Team tracks online risks and regularly shares developments in journalist safety. CPJ keeps journalists abreast of developments in press freedom through independent research, fact-finding missions, and firsthand contacts in the field, including reports from other journalists.” (Source: Committee to Protect Journalists)

“In response to the growing dangers for journalists, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has released an updated version of its Safety Guide for Journalists. Produced in partnership with UNESCO, it is available in French, English, Spanish and Arabic. Fully revised and corrected, this handbook offers practical advice to reporters going to high-risk areas, where they should be ready for a wide range of dangers that may include armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and street protests.” (Source: Reporters Without Borders)

“CPJ’s four-part Safety Kit provides journalists and newsrooms with basic safety information on physical, digital and psychological safety resources and tools.” (Source: Committee to Protect Journalists)

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